Are we the biological caterpillar who created the electronic butterfly?

Life is weird.

And.. there’s nothing quite like the process of ‘metamorphosis’ to demonstrate that weirdness.

During ‘metamorphosis’, a caterpillar transforms itself into a chrysalis – a cocoon-like shell.

Inside the shell, the caterpillar breaks itself down into a soupy mixture of cells, before magically rearranging itself into a butterfly – complete with legs and wings and antenna. 

I wonder what that caterpillar is thinking as it dissolves into cellular soup.

Is it eager to evolve into a majestic flying machine? 

Or does it simply surrender to the chaos, trusting in nature’s bizarre blueprints? 

The biological caterpillar conversation.

Joe Rogan spoke with Sam Altman a few months back.

The conversation was refreshingly – zero technical, almost entirely philosophical.

And very weird.

AI government, Simulation Hypothesis, Job Loss and UBI, Consciousness and merging with machine.

One thing from that conversation in particular, has stuck with me.

As the lines between Artificial Intelligence and biological sentience become blurrier, rarely a day goes by where it doesn’t rattle in my brain.

Are we the biological caterpillar who created the electronic butterfly? 

Here’s that clip now.

Reference:    • Joe Rogan Experience #2044 – Sam Altman  

Much like the caterpillar, you have to at least consider the possibility that we are unknowingly weaving the cocoon of our own transcendence into silicon intelligence and consciousness – whatever that means. 

Let’s just hope the other side of metamorphosis is as cool, and as graceful as a butterflies first flight.